It's Time to Tell Our Story!
There is something about a Mother McAuley Mighty Mac that makes them stand out in a crowd. Their fearlessness and compassion draw you in; their drive inspires you. They work tirelessly to advocate for others and uplift their friends, their classmates, their colleagues, their peers, their family members. They are fiercely loyal and are guided by their strong Mercy values.
McAuley women make our communities strong. They are why we tell the story and why we adamantly believe in our mission. Join us today and be part of our legacy.
That legacy includes Academic Excellence

Ding-ding-ding-ding! The bell for morning announcements just rang, and you’re thinking about your chemistry test next period...
Did you know that Mother McAuley is the only girls’ school in Chicago with a four-year science requirement? Or that students can earn college credit through our 19 Advanced Placement courses or Dual Credit program with Saint Xavier University?
Since opening its doors in 1846, McAuley has been on the leading edge in education with a rigorous and dynamic liberal arts curriculum. With the focus on young women, instruction is tailored to their specific learning styles, giving our students the freedom to discover their passions and to find confidence in the classroom.
By the numbers:
- More than $84 million awarded in merit-based college scholarships to the Class of 2024
- 33 Illinois State Scholars
- 19 AP Classes
- 7 Academic Honor Societies
- 100% accepted to college
- 24 of Math Macs at state
- AP Computer Science Female Diversity Awardee
That legacy includes Equity in Sports

The final bell rings, signaling the end of the school day. Voices and laughter fill the hallways as students head to their lockers. Once your backpack is packed, you head to the gym locker room to change for flag football practice…
While we are celebrating 50 years of Title IX, equity in attention and facilities for women still have a long way to go. But as usual, McAuley is at the forefront of providing these essential opportunities to the young women of Chicagoland. Our storied athletic tradition and unparalleled success has spanned throughout the state of Illinois and across the nation for decades.
By offering 15 different sports with multiple levels, we are able to provide our student athletes with an extraordinary opportunity for growth and competition at the highest levels. We continue to invest in our athletes, most recently through the addition of a state-of-the-art turf field. Just this spring, we unveiled a brand new scoreboard and lights on our turf field. Now, our student athletes and student body have access to a safe, well-maintained, professional space, which had previously only been seen in all boys or co-ed schools.
By the Numbers:
- 4 out of 5 freshmen are involved in one or more sports
- More than 425 students are involved in one or more of our interscholastic sports
- Through the years, Mighty Mac athletics collectively have earned 50+ conference titles, 21 state championships, 2 national championships
- 16 athletes signed letters of intent to play collegiate sports in the 2023-2024 school year
That legacy includes an Infusion of Fine Arts

You stand backstage, hearing the audience hush as the orchestra begins the overture. You feel the excitement and nerves of your fellow castmates, ready for opening night in their costumes and flawless make-up. Members of the stage crew stand behind you, ready for the first scene change. The music swells, the light goes up, and you walk out on stage…
Mother McAuley’s mission is to provide a well-rounded education to young women, giving them opportunities to build self-confidence, develop their creativity and passions, and gain new skills for personal expression. Visual and performing arts are infused into students’ everyday lives through hands-on performance and technical curriculum offerings and robust extracurricular opportunities that allow them to dive deeper into the subjects at hand. The benefits from these opportunities are expansive, from greater public speaking skills to a tenacious work ethic.
By the Numbers:
- 171 students participate in the all-school musical in the cast, crew, and orchestra
- Art and design students from the Class of 2023 were offered more than $2 million in tuition scholarships
- Finalists in the Broadway in Chicago Illinois High School Theatre Awards
- 640+ students take a Visual or Performing Arts Class